
Monday, August 01, 2005

Today was one of the days when I desperately needed to be alone for like 90 minutes! So I told my DH that I needed to clean the floors, so he had to take Baby V to the Dr’s office to get ‘bagged’, their term for collecting a urine sample from an 8 month old baby who can’t pee in a cup no matter how much you train him too. Usually when I send the men out into the streets I kick up my feet and read blogs till they come home, but this time I actually had to do housework. I figured that my DH might get wise to the whole clean house trick if the dust bunnies under the bed started talking to him at night. So off they went to what I figured would be a horrific experience and I put the dinner on the stove and started sweeping and mopping. Halfway through the apartment the men came home with 2 bags and a cup with a green lid. So we wrestled Baby V into one of those bags and the bathroom and bedroom are still chock full of dust bunnies. If anyone is visiting my home in the next week or so, please enter the bathroom in full protective gear, I’ll provide the goggles


  • Hey Dashka!

    These are so funny! Keep 'em coming!!! Love you!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/01/2005 6:56 PM  

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