
Friday, November 25, 2005


On Thanksgiving morning 'Teacher of the Year' went home. DH, Baby V and I spent the day playing napping and enjoying our family. I was a bit worried about getting DH up in the middle of the night to calm Baby V he had obviously lost some practice while 'Teacher of the Year' was here. I woke up around 2 am to the sound of silence. I got worried at around 3 am and went to check the breathing. Counted 1000 sheep and was finally able to sleep. At 7 am the neighbor's dog barked up a storm. Baby V made not one beep and DH shot out of bed to check the breathing. Of course the checking woke up Baby V. He got a change and a bottle and then ... Went back to sleep for 2 hours. At 9 we woke up to the sound of Baby V working on a nice poop.
13 hours people. No waking up and winning, no screaming for bottle, just a sleepy sigh here and there. Even with all my sheep counting I was able to get enough sleep to be reasonably alert this morning. I even have a pot roast in the oven.
This night has led us to believe that 'Teacher of the Year' snores very loudly and Baby V was catching up on sleep after and exhausted week.
Figuring on only one nap I sent the boys off to walk near the ocean. Baby V was wrapped up so much you could barely make out the cute little face. Obviously they got home at 12:30 and Baby V was out. I put him in his crib in his snowsuit and opened up a window. He did not even move, just continued sleeping away. Woke up at 1pm and is now taking off my socks. His goal ... To chew my big toe.
PS How was your day of giving thanks?


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