
Thursday, October 20, 2005

I win!

Recently there was a 'contest' type for worst mother on some of the blogs I read, well today I won it hands down. You see I was having lunch at our table and Baby V was holding on to the edge mocking. I, like any 'good mother', was giving him pieces of my organic baked potato. Now as I was doing this my foot was keeping the chair, that Baby V was hovering near, anchored. Well my foot was getting cold, it being October and all that, so I took it off the chair to slip into my warm slippers and boom! Baby V grabbed the chair, it tipped back, and both went flying at ungodly speed towards the floor. Needless to say, I did not manage to catch (any of this on video) the chair or the child. As I threw the chair off the screaming 10 month old visions of blood and brain raced through my head. I imagined Baby V living with red marks in the design of a chair back on his face, but no. There was no blood but the yelling led me to suspect that something worse happened. It was a small bump on the back of the poor babies head! Oh the humanity! This was the first time Baby V let me cuddle him in our bed with an icepack on his head for 5 minutes. The gut wrenching crying subsided into heart tearing whimpering and my baby stared at me with accusation in his grey/blue eyes. Then I frantically called Mrs SC, Miss EL (he loves her and I thought that hearing the sound of her voice would calm him) and my dad, only Mrs. SC answered. Baby V switched his whimpering to angry yelling when I failed to let him push all the buttons while I talked and he listened on speakerphone. Apparently an icepack is the only solution, and so we rocked and sang (maybe I should have refrained from singing, it might have made it worse) with a blue icepack wrapped in cloth. Now we are sleeping and for the first time in 2 or 3 months we have the movement sensor on to check up on the breathing thing.
I do not think I have to tell you that none of this get back to DH, he would ban me from motherhood and send me off to a 9-5 job. Oh please do not tell him, I will probably have to myself, considering there is really no other way to explain the bump. I will be praying today, pray with me people.
Me ( the worlds worst mother)


  • one time I put sophie in an infant bouncy seat on the kitchen counter while i did the dishes. I was smiling at her while she kicked about. she was about six weeks old. She kicked and kicked and then the seat fell off the counter onto the floor. she was strapped in, landed on her face, and had a huge bump on her forehead.

    feel any better? ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/21/2005 6:39 PM  

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