
Saturday, August 13, 2005


So now I am freaking out. Not only because Miss AM basically said to close down the blog but also because after she said it (not in those exact words of course) it started to rain and thunder SO BAD! So I kept looking out the window hoping to see the serial killer in the rain and tell DH to get his gun. So maybe I will edit and remove some posts that expose too much, any ideas?

In other news:
Baby V just got up on his knees to reach a shelf and pulled down a small box of toys. Go V! Also he slept through the night after the storm stopped scaring him awake.


  • Shut down the blog? Why?

    I've been hearing horror stories about this storm from all ends. I think Manhattan was protected by some shield because we got rain, but nothing like what everyone is talking about. Gotta love the Big Apple!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/16/2005 8:43 AM  

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